Rutger's Green Energy Technology Undergraduate Program (GET UP)!
The REU Site: Green Energy Technology Undergraduate Program (GET UP) provides undergraduate research opportunities for undergraduate science and engineering students interested in green energy. GET UP is funded by the National Science Foundation under award: 1263250 and the renewal award: 1659818.
The objectives of the GET-UP are to provide an enriching research experience, engineering training and professional development to undergraduate students for ten weeks in the summer. During this period of time, the students will have opportunities for cross disciplinary exploration through seminars in Engineering Ethics and Energy and Environmental Policy, and tours to facilities that generate power or produce "green" devices. Students will also participate in Industrial Spotlights where engineers and scientists from local companies present on ongoing product and system research/development, which will foster STEM research and industrial entrepreneurship.
GET UP research projects focus emerging energy and power issues that center around three research thrusts:
nanotechnology and materials for energy storage and conversion,
renewable and sustainable fuels, and
devices and energy management systems for energy generation, conversion and storage. ​
This program leverages Rutgers’ existing infrastructure: Rutgers University Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RU RET-E) in Green Technology program, two Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERTs) programs; IGERT: Nanotechnology for Clean Energy and IGERT: Renewable and Sustainable Fuel Solutions for the 21st Century; and Research in Science and Engineering (RiSE) program.
New & Announcements
2019 Zichen Lao selected to present at
2017 Christian Alvarez wins the ABRCMS Poster Presentation Award.
2015 Keisha Mullings presents at NSBE Region 1 2014 Fall Regional Conference Technical Research Exhibition Keisha's Poster
2014 James Palmer Jr. gives poster presentation Rutgers Aresty Undergraduate Research Symposium at Rutgers University - 2014.
Jessica Gonzalez gives poster presentation at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students - 2013.
© 2014 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey